Monday, January 25, 2010

This your Brain in love

I am sometime a little worried to read self-help book, mainly when they written by a Doctor! Doctor like the use the big words and write them in their books. A lot of times you are spending more time looking up the word then reading the book. But with Dr Earl Henslin new book This Is Your Brain In Love, Dr Henslin, did not need to use the big words here. He made the book simple and easy to understand.
I really like this book it opened my eyes. Many people would say when buying this book or having this book on their self: “I don’t need this book, It is not for me or it is for a friend. I can see that some people would be ashamed to have this book, but the message in this book is one that everyone need, whether you have a strong loving marriage like Anne and David did in the book or if you marriage is at the breaking point. There is a message for all in this book.

Dr Henslin talks about five “lover types they are
1. The Scattered Lover
2. The Overfocused Lover
3. The Blue Mood Lover
4. The Agitated Lover
5. The Anxious Lover

He breaks down each of these lover types in chapters and it is very interesting to see where you find yourself and your spouse. This book is a must read and again it is for all marriages there is something we all need to learn, and marriages is something that we learn from each and ever day.

Thank to Thomas Nelson Book review for my free copy of the book

1 comment:

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